Together we tap into our collective intelligence to question marketing-as-usual narratives and imagine how we can use our capacities to change the narrative and become a force for regeneration.
The transition to regenerative futures can by no means be realized alone. It’s a highly collaborative, interconnected transformation. Despite this, many of us feel alone in our desire to change the world & the world of marketing. Pushbacks, critics and statements like “you are naive”, “that’s not how the world works” or “be realistic that’s never going to happen” can stifle our dreams for true transformations. No longer! The hive mind sessions are a safe space for marketeers in transition to question, unlearn and re-imagine marketing as usual to become a force for social & ecological regenerations.
The Hive Mind session stand alone and are the same time a great way to ease into the (Un)Learning Marketing-as-usual Program.
Click here to find out more about the (UN)Learning Program 👈
Registration for post Summer Break Hive Mind Sessions opening soon. Email [email protected] to pre-register your interest.
<aside> 💬 Safe Space
A safe space to explore the radical questions in marketing and beyond. You know, those questions that you normally would keep to yourself afraid of the backlash or the puzzled looks of your colleagues.
<aside> 🙌 Collaborative Unlearning
Collaborative unlearning and exploration journey. Exchange questions, insights, resources and learning journey’s with other (aspiring) regenerative marketeers.
<aside> 🔥 Courageous Conversations
Deep courageous conversations, facilitated by Regenerative Transformation Facilitator and Imagination activist Minou Schillings & Experienced Impact Marketeers & Community Weaver Flora Rosenow.
<aside> ❓ Topic Based Sessions
Topic Based Sessions, we explore a new topic each sessions. Topics are selected based on the preference of the participants.
Topic options: Scarcity Sells, Limits To Growth, the citizen lens, the purpose of marketing for more-then-human life, vanity metrics, questioning do-goodism, radical honesty in communications, Do you have another topic in mind? We are open to suggestions!
The Hive Mind Sessions are a facilitated by Minou Schillings Regenerative Marketing Movement co-initiator, Regenerative Transition Facilitator and Imagination activist at The Green Sprint.
She is on a mission to help Impact Intrapreneurs and Business leaders to Unlearn the old ways, Imagine radically different futures, and Transform for social & ecological regeneration. Her motto is simple: "When you never change your mind, why have one?"
Minou is armed with a unique capacity set to lead you on a transformative journey. As a Systems Thinker and B Leader, Minou is adept at guiding businesses and individuals towards regenerative thinking, leaving business-as-usual in the dust.
“Minou is one of those rare speakers who can bring in emotional intelligence, content knowledge and humble confidence in her facilitation. Her interest in regenerative thinking translates as more than a passion, and this shows up in the deep thinking that she is able to generate within individuals taking part in her sessions. ” Saskia Rothuizen - B Lab Benelux
Monthly 90 Minute Online Sessions. The sessions are interactive. For the best experience join us on your laptop or computer. Please make sure you are in a quiet place where noises won’t disturb you or the others in the session.
Event Dates
🔸 17 July
🔸 Summer break